Leica GS20 GPS Unit

Leica GS20 PDM GPS Sensor & GIS DataPro Processing Software


Leica GS20 GPS Unit

Brief Review of the Leica GS20 PDM GPS Sensor & GIS DataPro Processing Software

Leica GS20 GPS UnitThe Leica GS20 PDM (professional Data Mapper) handheld GPS unit was a small GPS device that was included with the RTK GPS unit that was purchased for my LIDAR research project at the AGRG in 2003.

“The GS20 PDM combines the simplicity of a recreational GPS with the power and flexibility of a professional grade mapping system. Providing you with a true turn-key GPS mapping solution, the GS20 PDM is a GPS receiver, antenna, and data collector, all in an ergonomic handheld. With the GS20 PDM, powerful functionality doesn’t mean difficult to use. The menu-driven interface and graphical map display make it easy to learn so field crews can start collecting data right away.”

The unit itself was a well designed, quality built weather proof GPS instrument, (much similar to the Trimble one that we had), but did not get much use mainly due to the fact that we had plenty of GPS gear available most of the time and my project required the more accurate equipment. Some of the other research projects used these units most of the time.

The GS20 did not come with very good user guides so Jonathan and I created a brief user guide for the group. The user guide covers the basics needed to use the device for data collection, such as how to create a code list, importing way-points, downloading data etc.

Download our Leica GS20 PDM GPS User Guide

At the time there was not much material available online but since that time plenty of other guides have been created so I have included a few links to ones that we found useful.

Click to access Leica-GS20.pdf

Click to access gs20_fieldguide_v1_1en.pdf

Click to access leicarev.pdf