3D Perspective View Samples

Port Lorne, Nova Scotia

[*image source: PaulIllsley.com]

The following images are examples of perspective view models that were generated from a 2 meter LIDAR DEM integrated with 50 cm digital orthophotography of Port Lorne, Nova Scotia. Port Lorne is a coastal community along the Bay of Fundy with a relatively steep terrain so the images represent different perspective views depending on the source of origin and the direction that they are facing.

3D Perspective Views of Port Lorne, Nova Scotia

The colored arrows on the key image to the right represent the different perspective views that were generated from different locations and viewed along different directions (displayed in the images below). This image of the area also represents the traditional GIS view from above, as discussed above.

The first image below represents a perspective view (red arrow) of the area if it were viewed from the center of the image, above the wharf looking in an easterly direction.

3-D perspective view model of Port Lorne; Nova Scotia

The next two images below represents a perspective view (blue arrow) of the area if it were viewed from the upper right hand corner of the original image in a south west direction. The images that demonstrate the same perspective but have different types of LIDAR DEMs integrated with them allowing them to portray different data within them.

3-D perspective view model of Port Lorne; Nova Scotia3-D perspective view model of Port Lorne; Nova Scotia


The next two images (first one represented with the green arrow, second one in blue) represents a perspective view of the area originated in the upper left hand corner of the image, but in slightly different directions.

3D Perspective Views of Port Lorne, Nova Scotia

3D Perspective Views of Port Lorne, Nova Scotia

More info on 3D Perspective Views

3D Perspective Views

3D perspective view of Cape George, Nova ScotiaMost imagery (and/or spatial data) that we view in geomatics is typically viewed vertically downwards from the source toward the map or image. This typical aerial view that we are accustomed to using, allows an abundant amount of information to be represented spatially within a two dimensional cartesian representation. However, occasionally it is useful for us to change our focus from the default traditional view and use a more complex three dimensional visualization view of the data.

This type of terrain model is commonly referred to as a perspective view and often reveals additional information by allowing us to observe the same data obliquely.. In order to do this each location of the image needs to be transformed from the traditional 2-D to a 3-D projection coordinate system.

A perspective view is not really a new tool as it has been around for centuries, but it has become a popular component of most geomatics projects. “A Perspective is a rational demonstration by which experience confirms that the images of all things are transmitted to the eye by pyramidal lines. Those bodies of equal size will make greater or lesser angles in their pyramids according to the different distances between the one and the other. By a pyramid of lines, means those which depart from the superficial edges of bodies and converge over a distance to be drawn together in a single point” (Leonardo da Vinci)¹.

Data integration and overlays are very common with perspective views because it allows traditional flat images to become new products by incorporating an elevation component and providing a new look at the same data. It is also probably used more so for visual appeal then as another method of extracting data.

Sample image on the right is a 3D perspective view of Cape George, Nova Scotia (just north of Antigonish), created with LandSat imagery drapped over a digital elevation model (DEM).

[* quote 1 is from – O’Connor and Robertson (2003) Mathematics and art – perspective www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Art.htmlJanuary]

3D Perspective View Samples

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The study area for the project consisted of the coastal Gulf Shore region of southeastern New Brunswick from Kouchibouguac National Park south to Jourimain Island (location of the Confederation Bridge). The coastal zone of New Brunswick is a picturesque fishing region that boasts several kilometers of sandy beaches with some of the warmest salt water temperatures north of Virginia.

Digital Terrain Modeling – Shaded Relief Models

A shaded relief model uses different color shades according to the varying levels of elevation and azimuth to create an enhanced simulated terrain. The shading is done with the assumption of a defined light source at a fixed location, shone across the surface. The user-specified light source will then determine the positions of shadows and highlighted slopes making ones facing light source appear bright and those facing away appear dark. By default shaded relief models are created with a grey scale ramp that represent the surface reflectance from the light source at any altitude and any azimuth however adding color to it can add an extra chromo stereoscopic component to it.Shaded Relief Model of Lismore, Nova Scotia
Assuming that a straight line is drawn connecting the user defined point source to the top left pixel of the image, the azimuth angle is the aspect of this line in degrees clockwise from north; the elevation angle is the elevation of the line in degrees from the horizontal.

The shaded grey level for each cell is the result of a calculation from the cosine of the angle between the normal vector to the surface (i.e. slope andaspect) and the direction of illumination. All surfaces not illuminated by the light source such as a slope of 90 degrees will be set to 0. An elevation exaggeration is sometimes added to help enhance the features of a fairly homogeneous surface.

In the example shown to the right, a raster aspect map of Lismore, Nova Scotia was derived from a digital elevation model (DEM) calculated with an azimuth angle of 315 degrees and an elevation angle of 45 degrees.

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